STAKE Leadership Messages

A Message from our Stake Presidency

The message I wanted to share today is the power of finding gratitude in a world of confusion. I remember and think about often a talk  given by Elder Henry B Eyring in Aprils conference in 2015 while serving in the Prseiding Bishopric of the church on the topic of Gratitude.   

Remembrance and Gratitude (

I wanted to remind us of this talk because I have found so much strength and comfort from the message. The title of the talk was Remembrance and Gratitude, and that message can help bring peace and hope in today’s world of chaos and confusion.  I feel we live in a world where every time you look around it sending the message of despair that attempts to crush our hope in the future. We become overwhelmed or discouraged which affects our ability to fill the Saviors love for us.  President Nelson has stated that we live in a time that will be discussed for hundreds of years to come and that we are privileged to witness the events in which we live. I agree with this completely and am grateful that I live now, but sometimes I lose focus of that blessing.

Remembering what I have been given and the blessings I have restores that hope that sometimes dims when I focus on the world. I am often amazed at how discouraged life can get if I let it, but if I stop and think about my blessings, peace and strength is instilled in me. Nothing has changed except what I am focusing on. Just the principle or remembering can give us hope. Remembering what he has done for us, how he has been there in the past helping us deal with our challenges brings so much strength. Why is it as Humans we are so worried about what is going to happen in the future. Like are we going to be ok and is he going to be with us, but when we look back, he has always been there. It has worked out and we could see his hand in our lives. 

A great test is if we are remembering and are grateful is in our prayers. I often self-evaluate myself by asking are my prayers an expression of Gratitude or just a list of the things I want. Am I truly remembering, and I often need to make a course correction on what my focus is. It is my hope that we can all feel the Love he has for us, and I believe a great way to feel that is to remember him and be grateful for what we have. I pray that all of us will focus on being grateful and receive that wonderful hope that only comes from our Savior to face life challenges.

Don Williams

1st Counselor

Taylorsville YSA Stake

A Message from our Stake Relief Society Council

In General Conference of April 2022, our prophet, President Nelson, exclaimed to seek and expect miracles. He states, "the Lord will bless you with miracles if you believe in Him, doubting nothing."

I've pondered greatly on this talk, especially within the last several months. A very personal experience I want to share involves my twin sister who recently received news that she had a brain tumor. My heart broke as well as my family. This very unexpected and terrifying news turned our world upside down. My twin is married with four children. It was hard not to think of the worst case scenario as we navigated through the diagnosis of my twin sister's brain tumor. Time and time again my mind would reflect back on the message that President Nelson shared, "seek and expect miracles." Our family these last few months have strived to do just that. We needed a miracle! Through faith, prayer, fasting, and temple worship, we came together as loved ones and witnessed countless miracles.

My twin sister underwent a  successful 12 hour operation and is healing well. I believe in miracles! God will help us exercise our faith and give us power to see the miracles happening all around us. Our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, are real. In the words of the prophet, "the Lord is helping you to move mountains in your life." Of these things I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Caroline Yorgason

Stake Relief Society President

Taylorsville YSA Stake

A Message from our Stake High Council

In the April 2019 General Conference, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland spoke about elevating our reverence and respect for the Savior during our Sunday worship, especially during sacrament meeting. One of my favorite parts of this talk is when he encourages us to think beyond ourselves and be mindful of others during the administration of the sacrament. Elder Holland said, 


“When the sacred hour comes to present our sacrificial gift to the Lord, we do have our own sins and shortcomings to resolve; that’s why we’re there. But we might be more successful in such contrition if we are mindful of the other broken hearts and sorrowing spirits that surround us. Seated not far away are some who may have wept—outwardly or inwardly—through the entire sacramental hymn and the prayers of those priests. Might we silently take note of that and offer our little crust of comfort and our tiny cup of compassion—might we dedicate it to them? or to the weeping, struggling member who is not in the service and, except for some redemptive ministering on our part, won’t be there next week either? or to our brothers and sisters who are not members of the Church at all but are our brothers and sisters? There is no shortage of suffering in this world, inside the Church and out, so look in any direction and you will find someone whose pain seems too heavy to bear and whose heartache seems never to end. One way to “always remember him” would be to join the Great Physician in His never-ending task of lifting the load from those who are burdened and relieving the pain of those who are distraught.” (Behold the Lamb of God, April 2019, Jeffrey R. Holland)


As disciples of Jesus Christ, we promise to “bear one another’s burdens” (Mosiah 18:8). I believe that part of bearing someone’s burden is being mindful of them, especially while we are in sacred places such as meetinghouses and temples. Many come to the Church buildings and temples with questions, a need for closeness to the Lord, and simply to drown out the noise of the world. When looking around the chapel, the spirit can help us to recognize those who are seeking revelation and inspiration, and those who carry “sorrow[s] that the eye can’t see”. (Hymns, 220) When we observe and learn from the spirit who may stand in need of our love and concern, I would encourage us to offer a prayer that the Lord might help them through whatever trial they find themselves in. I would also suggest that if the spirit prompted you to think about them, it’s important to help that individual know that they are loved and cared for. A simple “I was thinking about you. I hope you are doing well” text can go along way. As I try to be more reverent and mindful of others around me in sacred spaces, I feel that my Sabbath day worship experience is enhanced and I know that our efforts to change behaviors that allow sacred places to remain sacred are noticed and appreciated by those around us who come to offer a broken heart and a contrite spirit as a sacrifice to the Lord (3 Nephi 9:20).


Austin Peterson

Stake High Council

Taylorsville Utah YSA Stake