History of Gathering Place Activities

August 16 & 17th - "Becoming the Lord's Flock" Snyder Mill Campout for the Taylorsville YSA Area

Our biannual campout is approaching! We now have the rsvp form ready for you to access and fill out. Please fill out the form so we know how many people to prepare for, regardless of when you plan on coming, or how long you will be staying. 

We will plan on everyone CARPOOLING to the camp on Friday August 16th by 9 am. Carpooling is mandatory, given that we have limited parking. You can still come up later in the day if you aren't able to make it at 9, yet if you are coming up later, you must mark at what time you're coming so we can find other people who are going at the same time to carpool with you. 

     Once everyone is settled we will have breakfast, do a service project, have lunch, play some games, have dinner followed by a guest speaker, and then go to sleep or go home if you aren't staying the night. Saturday morning we will all be cleaning up the campsite, having breakfast, and then be going back home. That Saturday evening @ 7pm we will have a country-themed dance (the Boot n' Scoot) at the magna building! 

Addresses, details, and additional info can be found on the flyer and RSVP form. The flyer is currently only digital, but physical flyers should be out by next week. If you have additional questions please as a member of the Gathering Place Council or submit a question at the bottom of the RSVP form. 


Song Request form for the Boot n' Scoot Dance on the 17th


July 27, Aug 2-4 - "Together in Christ" 2024 Utah YSA Area Conference 

     "We are excited to inform you that the 2024 Utah Area YSA Conference will take place from August 2-4, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah

     Thousands of young adults from all over Utah are expected to attend the conference, where they will:

Strengthen their faith in Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, with a special emphasis on the testimonies of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve as stated in "The Living Christ ". 

Feel a sense of belonging in the Savior's restored Church.

Find opportunities to form and strengthen relationships with others who can support them "

                    - Utah Area Presidency

The following events can be expected, modelled after the 2023 conference:

THE CONVENTION: A 2-day convention featuring keynote speakers, service opportunities, classes, activities, and concerts.

THE CONCERT: A 2-day concert to be held in the Delta Center.

THE DEVOTIONAL: A devotional with Elder Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Additionally, local YSA committees will plan pre-conference service projects, 5k runs, temple trips, and other activities to held on Saturday, July 27th.

Registration for the conference will include admittance to the convention, concert, and dances as one ticket. This ticket is currently sitting at $40 dollars and will increase as the event draws near. The devotional in the Conference Center on Aug. 4, by a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, will require a separate but free ticket, but don't delay in getting the ticket for they will surely go fast. 

More information for the 2024 Utah YSA Conference can be found online at utahysaconference.org or on Facebook and Instagram at @utysaconf. QR codes that are linked to website can be found on flyers in our 4 buildings. 

June 10th - Summer Opening Social

We are having a Summer Opening Social to promote the institute. It will be held from 7pm-10pm on Monday, June 10th. This gathering place activity will take the place of FHE that night. There will be nachos and Italian sodas, music, and dancing, and we are planning on doing it outside in the institute’s south parking lot as long as weather permits. Otherwise, it will be the gym like usual.

1 de Mayo - Noche de la Educación (En el instituto de Taylorsville, a las 7pm) 

La hermana Reyna Aburto, segunda consejera de la presidencia general de la Sociedad de Socorro, estará aquí para dirigirse a nosotros en una devocional sobre la systema educativa de las iglesia, "Se invita jóvenes y adultos solteros (de 11 a 30 años), a sus padre, a sus líderes de la Iglesia de habla hispana a recibir información sobre las instituciones académicas de CES. Empieza a las 7 de la noche, el 1 de Mayo, aquí en el instituto. 

May 5 - Worldwide Devotional with Elder Godoy @ the Tabernacle (Broadcast at 6pm)

The Taylorsville YSA Stake has been specifically invited to attend the event in person. So go to your Bishop to ask for available tickets to be able to attend in-person (Sunday dress). Otherwise, the broadcast will be accesible on the church's website and on YouTube.

May 9 - Taylorsville Temple Open House Group Reservation

Our stake has reservations for our YSA to go take a tour of the Taylorsville Temple between the times of 5:45pm and 6:35pm. If you can get to the shuttle point at the institute's parking lot between those two times, a shuttle bus will take you over to the temple down the street. Buses will be coming back and forth between the institute and temple in that time period. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARK AT THE TEMPLE, YOU MUST CATCH A SHUTTLE FROM THE INSTITUTE. 

For people when they return or for people waiting for the next shuttle, there will be a little mingle in the institute with refreshments. Sunday dress encouraged. This is also a great opportunity to invite your friends to learn more about temples and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Shuttle Point to Temple Open House @ 5:45pm-6:35pm

Mingle @ 5:45pm-8:00pm,  

all at the Institute Building (4554 South 2025 West, Taylorsville, UT 84129)

We need to know how many plan on coming to the open house and how many plan on coming afterwards for refreshments at the Institute. Please fill out your name and your ward. Then please indicate if you are coming to the open house and the mingle. You can choose to come to just one or both of them.

25 de Mayo - Conferencia: De Manera Celestial (Instituto de Taylorsville, cena a las 6pm, conferencia a las 7pm)

Conferencia en español para las mujeres mayores de 16 años (traducción a inglés disponible). Se llevará a cabo el día viernes 24 de Mayo. cena a las 6pm, conferencia a las 7pm, en el instituto de Taylorsville. La oradora principal será otra Autoridad General de la Iglesia, la hermana Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, de la Presidencia General de las Mujeres Jóvenes.

Conference in Spanish for women over 16 (English translation available). It will take place on Friday, May 24. Dinner at 6pm, conference at 7pm, in the Taylorsville institute, the keynote speaker will be another General Church Authority, Sister Andrea Munoz Spannaus, of the Young Women General Presidency

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