Upcoming Events

scan here or click the button below to sign up for summer Religion Classes @ the Taylorsville Institute

Welcome all to our stake!

We are a organized group of young single adult wards of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Taylorsville, West Valley, Kearns and Magna Area! We invite all to come unto Christ. Please come and join us in our church services and activities! 

Contact us! 

Taylorsville Ysa Stake Presidency

John Huber, Stake President

Don Williams, Stake Presidency 1st Counselor

John Hall, Stake Presidency 2nd Counselor

need an appointment with the stake presidency?

Please visit our scheduling page and fill out the form: Online scheduler for Taylorsville Utah YSA Stake (fullslate.com)


general contact information

Stake Offices: 4554 South 2025 West, Taylorsville, UT 84129

Stake Executive Secretary:

Thayne Atkinson (801) 243-3850 



Are you attending institute?

Institute is a place where people can go to learn more of Jesus Christ and our Savior. It a place where people can meet others with the same beliefs and who are going through the same things. It is a way people can feel united and closer together.

Taylorsville Institute of Religion @ SLCC Redwood Contacts

Front Desk, (801) 964-3064

Gary NelsonInstitute Director nelsongw@churchofjesuschrist.org

Kirk BurbidgeInstitute Advisor burbidgekm@churchofjesuschrist.org

Cheri Bowen, Administrative Assistant cheribowen@churchofjesuschrist.org

Join us for Gathering Place Activities at the Institute

Every Tuesday, Wednesday*, and Thursday Night we have activities after Institute classes have finished for the day. You can take an institute class at 7 and then join us at 8:15 in the institute's chapel for short devotional followed by activities and light refreshment in the gym and serving area. Main activities will rotate each week between sports, dancing, and games (see activity schedule). Table games, pool, and ping pong will generally be available on all nights. 

This is a great opportunity to meet people and make new friends here at the Taylorsville Insitute of Religion!

*Wednesday Night Gathering Place Activity specifically caters to Spanish-speaking young single adults, but all are still welcome to come and join!

*La actividad del lugar del Gathering Place del miércoles por la noche atiende específicamente a jóvenes adultos solteros de habla hispana, pero a todos se invitan participar!

Join Elevate!

Elevate (formerly the Latter-Day Saint Student Association) is established by the Taylorsville Institute of Religion to help students attending Salt Lake Community College have a balanced secular and spiritual education experience during their years of formal study. We encourage and support members of Elevate in achieving academic goals and in participating in community service. We help provide all students with meaningful service opportunities and social religious activities that are consistent with Elevate standards, which standards are consistent with those of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Join us and help us elevate our community and college campus! 


Taylorsville Area Gathering Place Council

     The Gathering Place Council is an organized group of young single adults recruited from the Taylorsville YSA Stake and the Taylorsville Institute of Religion. Together we put together activities, socials, and devotionals between the stake and the institute in which welcome all young adults to join. Our titular goal is to create a "gathering place" in which young single adults are able to make friends, find Christ, and feel His Spirit.

     If you are member of the Taylorsville YSA Stake or attend institute, please contact us and let us know what activities or devotionals you would like to see in the future. We always love new ideas. 


Emiko SorensenCo-Chair
